by - June 20, 2018


The higher the level of fun and adrenaline, the higher the level of post-festival depression. I have been to a lot of concerts, but as I said before, I am always hit by a good dose of nostalgia everytime I go home and look at all the pictures and videos I've taken.

After this whiny intro,  let's jump right into the tale.

I remember like it was yesterday, I was 12 and I was walking around a local fair with stalls and stuff when my eyes locked on a t-shirt with bright colours and this mummy-monster graphic all over the front:  I begged my mom to buy me the Iron Maiden's Somewhere back in time t-shirt which happened to be my very first band shirt ever.

Almost ten years apart,  I finally got to see them LIVE. You might tell me, Iron Maiden have had tons of tour dates in Italy during the past years - which is true, but I never had the occasion to see them because guess what, parents thought metal guys would torn their daughter apart during moshpits. LOL.

Reminiscing how bad I felt during last year's iDays (with Linkin Park, SUM 41 and Blink-182, fyi) because of the sun/heat that dehydrated us, we decided to opt for the VIP Rocks Party package which included a special reserved PIT right under the stage (best decision of our lives), a buffet and open bar among with other complimentary things.


I would've never thought that Iron Maiden concerts would be so scenographic, I am really glad I had seen them live for the first time from the second row, considering that there were 40.000 fans who attended the festival that day. I also enjoyed Helloween's performance as Shinedown, and I was left surprised to hear Jonathan Davis' (KORN's frontman) powerful vocals.
Can't wait for the next edition of Firenze Rocks.



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